Nov. 5 EU: Targeted expert consultation on harmonised classification of cycloxydim

This news alert was brought to you by the ECHA concerning the chemical cycloxydim.

Helsinki, 31 October 2012 – ECHA is giving the parties concerned an opportunity to comment on questions related to the potential reproductive toxicity of cycloxydim (EC No 405-230-9, CAS No 101205-02-1) which is currently under discussion by the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC).

A proposal for harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) of cycloxydim was submitted by Austria in August 2011 and has been the subject of a public consultation ending on 1 October 2011 after which it has been submitted to RAC for an opinion.

Depending on the number and/or volume of comments, either the full expert comment or only the summary will be published on the ECHA website in the form of an Annex to the RAC opinion.

For more information and the full news alert please refer to the link above.