Apr. 6 EU: ECHA publishes an update of the Guidance on Substances in Articles

From: ECHA

On 1 April ECHA issued an update to the Guidance on Requirements for Substances in Articles…

From 1 June 2011, companies may have to notify to ECHA Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) on the Candidate List that are present in articles they produce or import.

The guidance describes the registration, notification and communication requirements related to substances in articles and helps producers, importers and suppliers of articles to identify and fulfil their legal obligations. It further clarifies the decision-making process as to whether an object is an article.

The guidance explains how to check if a substance is already registered for a use and therefore whether a registration or notification is needed. Examples of borderline cases such as blasting grits and wax crayons are given in the guidance. It also explains how companies can predict the inclusion of substances in the Candidate List for authorisation.

Click on the link for more information.