Sept 27 – US: New Study Claims BPA Levels Much Higher Than FDA Estimates

From: Environmental Leader

A new study suggests exposure to bisphenol-A  (BPA) is actually far greater than previously thought, and its authors urge the federal government to act quickly to regulate BPA which is found in baby bottles, food-storage containers, can linings and many household products, Food Safety News reports.

“Our data raise grave concern that regulatory agencies have grossly underestimated current human exposure levels,” the study states. “On this basis of our findings, we propose that the higher than predicted serum levels of unconjugated BPA in men and women reflect significant non-oral BPA exposure in addition to oral exposure.”

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which last year rated the potential effects of low doses of BPA as “of some concern,” has said daily exposure of up to 50 micrograms of BPA per kilogram of body weight is safe.  But the study suggests people are exposed to at least eight times that amount.

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