Sep. 9 – EU: Update on GHS Implementation

A useful reminder from Packaging News:

The UN’s Globally Harmonised System (GHS) on the classification, labelling and packaging of hazardous substances is to be incorporated into EU law after MEPs reached an “acceptable compromise”.

The new regulation will replace existing EU directives on classification and labelling of substances.

The aim of the GHS system is to enable products to be judged on their physical hazards and toxicity and to provide them with suitable labelling and information on safety measures, which could be through labels, hazard pictograms and words such as ‘Danger’ or ‘Warning’.

As with the current legislation, the proposed new regulation is intended to be primarily a self-classification system for businesses.

The regulation is in line with Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (Reach) legislation, although “some small amendments” to do with classification and labelling will have to be made.

A Press Release from the EU adds:

The compromise which has been agreed between representatives of the Parliament and the Council, aims to implement the GHS system into EU legislation. The new regulation will replace the existing EU directives on classification and labelling of substances which set forth an extensive system (3 key directives), but the current rules and the GHS are conceptually similar. The proposal aims to maintain the current level of environment and health protection, to keep the scope of the classification and labelling rules as close as possible to the existing EU system and to ensure a smooth transition to a new system based on GHS. The reclassification and labelling of most substances must be completed by 1.12.2010 for substances and 1.6.2015 for mixtures. The current Directives on classification, labelling and packaging will be repealed on 1 June 2015. During a transitory period both systems will be applied.

Click on the above links for more information.

Nexreg has more information on GHS at the following link:

To speak to a Nexreg representative about how GHS will impact your company, please call or e-mail Nexreg at:

Nexreg Toll Free: 1-866-361-3032

Relevant Nexreg Compliance Links: Nexreg, EU SDS Authoring, GHS Consulting.