Jun. 13 – Canada: Vinyl shower curtains a volatile hazard, study says

From Canada.com:

Vinyl shower curtains release over 100 toxic chemicals into the air in people’s bathrooms, including known carcinogens and reproductive toxins, according to a new report calling for the ban of Polyvinyl chloride in bath curtains and liners.

The laboratory tests of five new PVC shower curtains, released Thursday, found 108 different volatile organic compounds were released into the air over a 28-day period, including off-gassing above the recommended level in the United States for seven days.

…Some VOCs are also suspected or known to cause cancer in humans…

The shower curtains also contained phthalates (DEHP), already banned in children’s toys in California, Washington and the European Union. Canada has listed DEHP as a “toxic” substance and has recommended it be banned in children’s products, but has yet to implement the recommendation.

Two of the chemicals detected, toluene and ethylbenzene, are also on California’s Proposition 65 list. The law prohibits companies doing business in the state from exposing individuals to chemicals known to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity without first giving consumers a clear warning.

Several other chemicals found in the curtains are considered a human health concern under Canada’s Environmental Protection Act, including ethylbenzene, but are not regulated.

Click on the above link for the full story. If any new legislation arises from this, we will keep you informed.