Apr. 25 – Mexico: NOM-003-SSA1-1993 Labels for Paints, Inks, Varnishes and Glazes

Published recently in Mexico’s Diario Oficial de la Federación – Response to comments received in respect of the Draft Amendment to Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-003-SSA1-1993, Environmental Health. A Google Translate version in English is available here. Of particular interest is this:

The provisions on the labelling should be consistent with the parameters Globally Harmonized System (GHS)

The label should include the pictogram of normative Appendix A in an area of 1.5% of the total area of the label. The framework of the pictogram must be red, the symbol black and white background as well as the following legend:

a) All products covered by this rule, except those manufactured for use school:

ATTENTION harmful if swallowed .

Click on the above link for the full Google translated English text. For the official Spanish text click here.