China SDS Authoring

National Regulations Governing SDSs

The National Standards of China’s chemical regulation for SDS creation fall under GB T 16483-2008 (Safety Data Sheet for Chemical Products Content and Order of Sections). The GB T 16483-2008 entered into force February 1, 2009, replacing prior standards GB/T 17519.1-1998 and GB 16483-2000.

Additional Regulations

China has implemented the GHS system within their legislation. China has updated and clarified regulations regarding the use of emergency telephone numbers on a Chinese SDS. A Chinese domestic fixed-line telephone number is now required to be used as the emergency telephone number on an SDS. This update has been confirmed with the National Registration Center for Chemicals (NRCC) office which is governed under the China State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) division.

16 Oct 2013, the Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China (SAC) published 28 new GHS classification standards for chemicals and the implementation date is 1 November 2014. The new compulsory national standards (GB 30000-2013) for chemical classifications are fully aligned with UN GHS Rev. 4 and have adopted all building blocks under UN GHS Rev. 4 including aspiration hazards and hazards to the ozone layer. (Source:

China is expected to update their classification regulation GB 30000 to bring it up to compliance with GHS Revision 8. The standard on general requirements, GB 30000.1 has been updated to follow GHS Revision 8 however each classification endpoint is outlined under a different GB standard (GB30000.2 through GB 30000.29). At this time GB 30000.2 through .29 have not been updated to align with GHS Revision 8. Therefore until all classification standards have been officially published, SDS generation should align with the most recent fully published GB 30000-2013 which aligns with UN GHS Rev. 4.

The other important standard is GB/T 17519-2013 Guidance on the compilation of safety data sheet for chemical products, which was issued in September 2013 and comes into force on 31st Jan 2014. This recommended standard provides detailed guidelines for SDS authoring in China.

Other national standards that govern chemical regulation are:

  • General Rules for Preparation of Precautionary Labels for Chemicals (GB 15258-2009)
  • General Rule for Classification and Hazard Communication of Chemicals (GB13690)

GHS Implementation Status

China has adopted the UN GHS system, and it has been implemented. However, there are some differences in methodology and categories in the preparation of SDS’s and labels. It is also reported that there are very strict requirements on the approach used for testing chemicals and mixtures for human and animal health effects.

Multi – Jurisdiction SDS Options

Chinese SDS’s can be made to be compliant within the Hong-Kong region. Having a single document for use in other jurisdictions should be avoided due to significant differences between systems.